HOW TO PAY & Rules

In view of the occasion the customers with any troubles/issues/problems are asked to send an email to [email protected]

Aus gegebenem Anlass bitte ich die Kunden, die ein Problem haben, eine ordentliche Email an [email protected]

zu schreiben und das Problem zu schildern!


  1. It takes 10 minutes – 24 hours to finish your order! Please be patient OR stay away from our shop!
  2. Please NEVER make the same order twice or triply! If you do so, the completion of your order will need MORE waiting time! Everytime you lose your patience and make the same order again and again, you will automatically receive a new place at the farthest end of the queue!!! That means, you will give your better place in the queue to an other customer with more patience! Not a good idea?!
  3. Once your order is completed, you will receive your SECOND email from our system! Your product key will come in the THIRD email some seconds after the SECOND email from the shop! (First email from our shop is the confirmation email that comes immediately after your purchasing!)
  4. If you did not receive an email with your product, this can always have only 3 reasons: 1. 24 hours maximal waiting time is still NOT over, 2. you have provided a wrong email address (it happens to every 10. customer!!!), 3. Your product has landed in your junk box! (it happens to every 3. customer!) If no one of that 3 reasons matches with your case, please contact our support sending an email to [email protected].
  5. Please note: We dont accept french, italian and greek paysafecard pins b/c it is not possible anymore to redeem them without a mypaysafecard account!